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Highland High School Class Of 1967 50th Reunion


August 25th, 2017 6:30pm
(ending August 27th, 2017)


Albuquerque Balloon FIeld EVENT CENTER

ticket prices

Reunion - FRIDAY NIGHT ONLY - $30.00
Reunion - SATURDAY NIGHT ONLY - $40.00
Reunion - BOTH NIGHTS - $60.00

Invited Classes


About Event

50th Reunion
Highland High School Class of 1967

FRIDAY EVENING, AUGUST 25th 6:30 - 9:30pm
Ice Breaker/Open House: Casual dress. Finger foods, Music, Cash Bar
Location: Albuquerque Balloon Field Event Center
(Down the hill from the Balloon Museum)
9201 Balloon Museum Dr NE, ABQ, NM

Guitar Music by Dan Dowling. Dan will be playing for about an hour - some of the old classic rock from the 60s, and of course, taking requests. He was a student/athlete, great folk singer at HHS (class of 66) who you might remember playing guitar and singing at assemblies with Liza Bell. After college, he had a music career in Nashville and played with Cadillac Bob and other popular rock, folk and jazz groups, before returning to New Mexico.

Background Music Friday and Saturday: John Colwell has graciously volunteered to put together a collection of music to be played throughout the evenings. He will also have on-hand, CDs with the same music, for a small donation of $1.00 each. SUCH A DEAL!!!

Morning: 10:00 - 11:30am Tour of Highland High School

Noon - ??? at Roosevelt Park: BYOB/BYOF (Bring your own blanket (or chairs)/Bring your own
food) get-together at Roosevelt Park, Albuquerque.

Evening 6:00 - 9:30pm Casual dress. Meal catered by Rudy's BBQ, Cash Bar and Music from John
Location: Albuquerque Balloon Field Event Center
(Down the hill from the Balloon Museum)
9201 Balloon Museum Dr NE, ABQ, NM

Golf tournament: Suggested, but not planned yet! Any volunteer? Any interest?

Bosque/River Walk: Meet at 10AM at the Alameda Bridge entrance (SE Side of Alameda Bridge) There is ample parking. What to See: From the Paseo del Bosque Trail, you can view ducks geese and other wildlife enjoying the Alameda Wetland. This constructed wetland is intended to replicate the natural wetlands that historically occupied the floodplain of the Rio Grande. We will walk until about 11AM; and then head to Brunch at Flying Star

Brunch: 11:30AM Flying Star Restaurant, 10700 Corrales NW, Albuquerque. Last chance to get those phone numbers and addresses of your classmates.

Let's make this reunion awesome!

Contact Connie Beck Grace for Registration Form:

Recommended Hotels

Native Lodge - $74.00 night/double occupancy.

Class of 1967 50th Reunion
Reunion Committee

Invited Classmates

Reunion Apparel