Class of 1985 - 30 Year Reunion
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Warren Township High School Class Of 1985 - 30 Year Reunion


September 26th, 2015 6:30pm
(ending September 28th, 2015 12:00am)


Brae Loch Golf Club
33600 N US Highway 45 , Graylake , Illinois , 60030

ticket prices

Reunion Dinner - $42.00

Invited Classes


About Event

Hello WTHS Class of 1985 Alumni!

Can you believe it's been 30 years since high school graduation? What better reason to celebrate! Come join in the 30-year reunion festivities Friday, September 25th and Saturday, September 26th. Click the Reunion Details link for more information.

To view accommodation info, RSVP and pay for the reunion activities, click the appropriate links to the left.

If you have any photos you want included in the slide show at the reunion, please e-mail them to by Friday, September 4th. Photos can be from high school and/or current pictures of you, friends and family. Please limit the number of photos to 8 or less, if possible. To share photos with others via this site, click the Photo Albums link to upload.

Complete the Reunion Booklet Form on the left to have your information shared with your classmates in the reunion booklet. The due date for submissions is Friday, September 4th. We'd like to include your information whether you'll be attending the reunion or not.

You can also share information about yourself on this site, as well as see who's attending the reunion and more. Use the links on the left to check it out! Be sure to click on the Classmates link to create your profile.

Please share this website with all of your WTHS Class of 1985 friends via the Tell a Friend link at the bottom of this page, the social media icons at the top, as well as text message. We are relying on everyone to help spread the word about the reunion festivities.


When: 09/25/2015

The mixer will be Friday evening in the Gurnee area. More details to follow.

If you will be attending the Mixer, click the RSVP link on the left to respond.

Golf Outing

When: 09/26/2015
Where: Brae Loch Golf Club
33600 N US Highway 45
Grayslake, IL

Contact: Kelly Thomason
847-373-3175 Kelly

A golf outing is planned for Saturday during the day. The cost is $35 for 18 holes including a cart. Friends and family are welcome. Tee times, payment info, etc. will be communicated after we have a headcount.

If you will be attending the Golf Outing, click the RSVP link on the left to respond.


When: 09/26/2015 at 6:30pm - 12:00am
Where: Brae Loch Golf Club
33600 N US Highway 45
Grayslake, IL

Contact: Kelly Thomason
847-968-3444 Brae Loch

Join us for a great evening of food, drinks and fun with your former classmates!

The cost is $42 per person which includes food, 5 hours of open bar, dancing and lots of lasting memories! Attire is casual/business casual.

If you will be attending the Dinner, click the RSVP and Buy Now links on the left to respond. Payment must be received by Friday, September 4th, in order to attend the event.

Hope to see you at the reunion!

Your WTHS Class of 1985 Reunion Committee

Class of 1985 - 30 Year Reunion
Reunion Committee

Invited Classmates

Reunion Apparel