Wasco Union High School Alumni

Wasco, California (CA)

Alumni Stories

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Christopher Carey

Christopher Carey

Class of 1964

I recently happened to stumble across the home (where I lived in Wasco for a number of years in the early to mid-60s) on the internet, where it had been offered for sale by a real estate concern. Talk about a bit of nostalgia! The home was situated on 2nd Street, not far from where Rodney Grisso ('64), Jay Woods ('64) and WUHS Principal/Superintendent Jack Cutner's family lived (with daughter Cathy Cutner). I well recall my mother (who taught at the town's elementary school) had originally purchased the home for about US$9K (the 2nd owner, apparently, since the house was built in 1949). At any rate, it had been completely updated & renovated and was listed at an asking price of US$162K. At 941 square feet and with only four main rooms, that struck me as QUITE an asking price, although given the present California real estate market, I suppose it's not that outrageous. Still, this triggered a flood of memories associated with WUHS and prompted me to get out all my old HS yearbooks and start browsing through them again.
My 'secret' crushes were, at that time, Judi Dargatz, Annette Smith and Mary DedVoe, but as a mortal coward and spineless member of the HS herd, I never quite made any more of those distant admirations than occasional sighs and sidelong looks. Ah! The turbulent, chaotic days of one's adolescence!

Poet Conrad Aiken once wrote a famous piece on youthfulness that still resonates with me. It went:

'All lovely things will have en ending,
All Lovely things will fade and die.
And youth, that's now so bravely spending,
Will beg a penny, by and by!'

Annette Smith (whom I had secretly admired since elementary school days) died prematurely in an automobile crash, in the bloom of life. Mary DeVoe appears to have married and had a family with some lucky fellow. And of Judi Dargatz (whose brother was Dale Dargatz), I've since heard nothing of, although I recall seeing someone on FACEBOOK that must be her! Since I have a strong allergy to Mark Zuckerberg and anything associated with him, I stay FAR away from FACEBOOK.

Well. That's my brief trip back in time. Hope all of you relish your WUHS memories similarly! Best wishes to all in this trying time of SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19. As a famous philosopher once observed, 'Enjoy life; no one gets out of it alive in the end.'

Military Alumni

Military High School Alumni

Honoring Our Heroes

This area is dedicated to our alumni that have served or are serving in our armed forces!

Lost Class Rings

Have you lost your Wasco Union High School class ring? Have you found someone's class ring? Visit our Tigers lost class ring page to search for your class ring or post information about a found ring.

Do you have a fun holiday story or a great family tradition? Share them with our fellow Wasco Union High School alumni! Submit your own stories, achievements and photos in our Alumni Stories section. Read other classmate’s stories and see what they have been up to over the years.

Happy Holidays!