AlumniClass Home  >  California  >  Abraham Lincoln High School  >  Reunions  >  Classes of 1958-1959

Abraham Lincoln High School Classes Of 1958-1959


September 10th, 2019 4:00pm
(ending September 21st, 2019)


The Villages Clubhouse Fairway Room
5000 Cribari Lane , San Jose , California

ticket prices

Reunion single ticket price - $55.00

Invited Classes

All Classes

About Event

RSVP. Marla Lenz
2349 Loma Park Ct
San Jose, Ca 95124

Classes of 1958-1959
Reunion Committee

Recent Comments

Martha Van Cleef '59 said:

The class of 58-59 is meeting on Sept. 21 at the Villages. There is no Sept. 10th. Contact: Marla Lenz

Mary Alice Williams '58 said:

Reunion for 1958-59 classes is Sept 21 4:00 Social hour. 5:00 Buffet Supper
Please note all information under reunion.

Reunion Apparel