Adams City High School Alumni

Commerce City, Colorado (CO)

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Trudy Boudreau (Trudy Mckee)

Adams City High School
Class of 1980

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→ There are 71 classes, starting with the class of 1941 all the way up to class of 2023.


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No photo uploaded
First Name Trudy
Last Name Boudreau
Maiden Name Mckee
Graduation Year Class of 1980
Gender Female
City N/A
State/Province CO
Country United States
Occupation Administrator
Married Yes
Favorite School Memory Stealing pumpkins from Welby gardens
About Me Married, raised 3 kids, started a photography business on the side.
No photo uploaded

Class of 1980 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes

→ Reunite with 11 class of 1980 alumni that have joined.

Angela Pauls

Angela Pauls
Class of 1981

Jose Valenzuela

Jose Valenzuela
Class of 1988

Vickie Fields

Vickie Fields
Class of 1969

Sherian Stover

Sherian Stover
Class of 1962

Jared Coleman

Jared Coleman
Class of 1992

Darlene Schwindt

Darlene Schwindt
Class of 1968

Desiree Ramirez

Desiree Ramirez
Class of 2006

Terry Headley

Terry Headley
Class of 1969

Will Montoya

Will Montoya
Class of 2002

Joe Palaoro

Joe Palaoro
Class of 1969

Cheryl Martin

Cheryl Martin
Class of 1970

Ann Johnson

Ann Johnson
Class of 1950

Sherri Buckstead

Sherri Buckstead
Class of 1969

Joe Dreiling

Joe Dreiling
Class of 1983

Randy Feola

Randy Feola
Class of 1975

Alice Bertapelle

Alice Bertapelle
Class of 1975

Kristine Barber

Kristine Barber
Class of 2000

Kathryn Vanderplough

Kathryn Vanderplough
Class of 1970

Dan Zamora

Dan Zamora
Class of 1983

Jessica Arroyo

Jessica Arroyo
Class of 2004

Janell Krivanek

Janell Krivanek
Class of 2005

Joseph Bowman

Joseph Bowman
Class of 2011

Elaine Collins

Elaine Collins
Class of 1981

Chris Rasmussen

Chris Rasmussen
Class of 1986