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Addison Trail High School - Class of 1968 Alumni

Join 20 alumni from Addison Trail High School Class of 1968. Reconnect, view profiles, photos, yearbooks, upcoming reunions.

Kenneth Lange Kenneth Lange

Kenneth Lange Kenneth Lange
Class of 1968

Peggy Marcheski

Peggy Marcheski
Class of 1968

Victor Chodora

Victor Chodora
Class of 1968

John Paulsen

John Paulsen
Class of 1968

John F Browning

John F Browning
Class of 1968

Eileen Burns Robbs

Eileen Burns Robbs
Class of 1968

Karl Tarpinian

Karl Tarpinian
Class of 1968

Joann Giovannelli

Joann Giovannelli
Class of 1968

Sandra Llanuza

Sandra Llanuza
Class of 1968

Kathleen Spencer

Kathleen Spencer
Class of 1968

Timothy Creed

Timothy Creed
Class of 1968

James Murphy

James Murphy
Class of 1968

Steve Haggstrom

Steve Haggstrom
Class of 1968

Thomas Bockstahler

Thomas Bockstahler
Class of 1968

Lawrence Pekoe

Lawrence Pekoe
Class of 1968

Kathy Kreske

Kathy Kreske
Class of 1968

Kathy Kowall

Kathy Kowall
Class of 1968

Eileen Burns

Eileen Burns
Class of 1968

Paul Daum

Paul Daum
Class of 1968

Martin Martin Wicker

Martin Martin Wicker
Class of 1968

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