Alamosa High School Alumni
Alamosa, Colorado (CO)
Alamosa High School - Class of 1962 Alumni
Join 12 alumni from Alamosa High School Class of 1962. Reconnect, view profiles, photos, yearbooks, upcoming reunions.
Gaynell Fruit
Class of 1962
Lloyd Lloyd C Patterson
Class of 1962
Victoria Smith
Class of 1962
Hilda Verschoor
Class of 1962
Rick Johnson
Class of 1962
Gaynell Fruit
Class of 1962
Connie Helms
Class of 1962
Glen Werner
Class of 1962
Elizabeth Deherrera
Class of 1962
Alice Mdril
Class of 1962
Dianne Beckett
Class of 1962
George Wilkinson
Class of 1962
Nearby Alamosa Classmates
Class of 1960
6 classmates have joined
Class of 1961
8 classmates have joined
Class of 1963
13 classmates have joined
Class of 1964
10 classmates have joined