Allen Park High School Alumni

Allen Park, Michigan (MI)

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Dawnmarie Miel (Dawnmarie Johnson)

Allen Park High School
Class of 1987

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→ There are 81 classes, starting with the class of 1907 all the way up to class of 2025.


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First Name Dawnmarie
Last Name Miel
Maiden Name Johnson
Graduation Year Class of 1987
Gender Female
City N/A
State/Province MI
Country United States
Occupation Bank-Assistant Vice President
Married Yes
Favorite School Memory The Friday night football games!
About Me I started working at the bank in 1988 and have been in banking pretty much ever since. I got married in June of 2004. I moved to the west side of the state in 2003. (1 hour north of Grand Rapids)
No photo uploaded

Class of 1987 Alumni

→ Reunite with 44 class of 1987 alumni that have joined.

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Christine Pierce
Class of 1980

Avery Sanchez Avery Sanchez

Avery Sanchez Avery Sanchez
Class of 2019

Michelle Toutant

Michelle Toutant
Class of 1979

Kathleen Modi

Kathleen Modi
Class of 1968

Keith Mclellan

Keith Mclellan
Class of 1977

Paul Wilkerson

Paul Wilkerson
Class of 1990

Mary Jane Bagger

Mary Jane Bagger
Class of 1969

Thomas Walker

Thomas Walker
Class of 1975

Cheryl West

Cheryl West
Class of 1972

Peter Mudrack

Peter Mudrack
Class of 1973

Marcus Vanhala

Marcus Vanhala
Class of 1977

Judi Raether

Judi Raether
Class of 1964

David Lambart

David Lambart
Class of 1980

Anthony Francis

Anthony Francis
Class of 2005

Sharon Fenn

Sharon Fenn
Class of 1959

Barbara Warner

Barbara Warner
Class of 1963

Dennis Caulfield

Dennis Caulfield
Class of 1961

Karen Murray

Karen Murray
Class of 1966

Spencer Lee

Spencer Lee
Class of 1984

Steven Pruett

Steven Pruett
Class of 1993

Thomas Harrison

Thomas Harrison
Class of 1957

Bill Kammerer

Bill Kammerer
Class of 1968

Eric Cook

Eric Cook
Class of 1980

Helen Reyes

Helen Reyes
Class of 1980