Allen Park High School Alumni

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Allen Park High School
Class of 1957

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LINDA JEANNE ALOIA - Class of 1957 - Allen Park High School
First Name Linda Jeanne
Last Name Aloia
Maiden Name Aloia
Graduation Year Class of 1957
Gender Female
City N/A
State/Province OR
Country United States
Occupation Retired, San Diego Supercomputer Center
Married Yes
About Me A whole bunch of stuff! Including teaching quilting, Master Gardener, Garden Coach, Caregiver for my husband who has Alzheimer's. I also teach a "Write Your Life Story Class"
LINDA JEANNE ALOIA - Class of 1957 - Allen Park High School

Class of 1957 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes

→ Reunite with 14 class of 1957 alumni that have joined.

Gloria Garland

Gloria Garland
Class of 1965

Ken Ojala

Ken Ojala
Class of 1966

Eileen Foley

Eileen Foley
Class of 1980

Thomas Jackson Thomas Jackson

Thomas Jackson Thomas Jackson
Class of 2023

Michelle Hughes

Michelle Hughes
Class of 2001

William Schmidt

William Schmidt
Class of 1982

Chris Huddleston

Chris Huddleston
Class of 1981

Betty Monroe

Betty Monroe
Class of 1968

Chris Medley

Chris Medley
Class of 1974

Diane Berni

Diane Berni
Class of 1976

Claudia Bogard

Claudia Bogard
Class of 1972

Jennifer Jones

Jennifer Jones
Class of 2000

Joe Dias

Joe Dias
Class of 1999

Michelle Difranco

Michelle Difranco
Class of 1991

Mark Bollman

Mark Bollman
Class of 1982

Mimi Goddard

Mimi Goddard
Class of 1969

Stephen Piazza

Stephen Piazza
Class of 2014

Gary Fraser

Gary Fraser
Class of 1968

Michelle Paquette Michelle Paquette

Michelle Paquette Michelle Paquette
Class of 1971

Lynell Velky

Lynell Velky
Class of 1967

Brian Davis

Brian Davis
Class of 1974

Jennifer Smith

Jennifer Smith
Class of 1995

James Bigelow

James Bigelow
Class of 1982

Jason Raupp

Jason Raupp
Class of 1992