Allen Park High School Alumni

Allen Park, Michigan (MI)

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Michael Szor

Allen Park High School
Class of 2004

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No photo uploaded
First Name Michael
Last Name Szor
Graduation Year Class of 2004
Gender Male
City N/A
State/Province MI
Country United States
No photo uploaded

Class of 2004 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes

→ Reunite with 29 class of 2004 alumni that have joined.

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Kathy Steel

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David Slaven

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Class of 1989

Tim Lazuka

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Class of 1974

Raymond Pierce

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Class of 1962

Kris Storms

Kris Storms
Class of 1992

Laurie Rave

Laurie Rave
Class of 1972

John Crispino

John Crispino
Class of 1995

Michael John

Michael John
Class of 1975

Sandy Armstrong

Sandy Armstrong
Class of 1977

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Class of 2009

Laura Nicolato

Laura Nicolato
Class of 1973

Jerry Jones

Jerry Jones
Class of 1971