Ambridge High School Alumni

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Myra Stas (Myra Musulin)

Ambridge High School
Class of 1973

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Myra Musulin - Class of 1973 - Ambridge High School
First Name Myra
Last Name Stas
Maiden Name Musulin
Graduation Year Class of 1973
Gender Female
City N/A
State/Province OH
Country United States
Occupation Retired
Married Yes
Myra Musulin - Class of 1973 - Ambridge High School

Class of 1973 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes

→ Reunite with 24 class of 1973 alumni that have joined.

Madisyn Kovach

Madisyn Kovach
Class of 2017

Michael Carr

Michael Carr
Class of 1998

Sam Dengel

Sam Dengel
Class of 1965

Andy Heist

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Class of 1988

Lisa Bosh

Lisa Bosh
Class of 1987

Lawrence Thornton

Lawrence Thornton
Class of 1987

Mary Ellen Mary Ellen Darno

Mary Ellen Mary Ellen Darno
Class of 1975

James Zinkham

James Zinkham
Class of 1960

Sarah Rudich

Sarah Rudich
Class of 2001

Rick Murnock

Rick Murnock
Class of 1982

David Budjanec

David Budjanec
Class of 1977

Mark Guzan

Mark Guzan
Class of 1974

Kathy Campbell

Kathy Campbell
Class of 1962

Lori Mccandless

Lori Mccandless
Class of 1988

Jim Welling

Jim Welling
Class of 1985

Kenneth Brobeck

Kenneth Brobeck
Class of 1976

Jack Zivic

Jack Zivic
Class of 1970

Lydia Villella

Lydia Villella
Class of 1974

Linda Johnston

Linda Johnston
Class of 1986

Steve Ludovico

Steve Ludovico
Class of 1993

Frank Mcwain

Frank Mcwain
Class of 1978

Carl Koegler

Carl Koegler
Class of 1993

Susan Nesbitt

Susan Nesbitt
Class of 1988

Diane Domitrovich

Diane Domitrovich
Class of 1972