American Falls High School Alumni

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Christine Arms

American Falls High School
Class of 1986

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Christine Arms - Class of 1986 - American Falls High School
First Name Christine
Last Name Arms
Graduation Year Class of 1986
Gender Female
Current Location Boise, Idaho
Hometown American Falls, Idaho
Christine Arms - Class of 1986 - American Falls High School

Class of 1986 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes

→ Reunite with 14 class of 1986 alumni that have joined.

Joe Lakatos

Joe Lakatos
Class of 1982

Adam Raburn

Adam Raburn
Class of 1994

Matt Fenwick

Matt Fenwick
Class of 1991

Joe Swanson

Joe Swanson
Class of 1981

Jay Winder

Jay Winder
Class of 1982

Milton Emery

Milton Emery
Class of 1993

Michele Kopp

Michele Kopp
Class of 1985

Josh Koger

Josh Koger
Class of 1998

Ron White

Ron White
Class of 1998

Buck Cooper

Buck Cooper
Class of 1992

Ron Garrison

Ron Garrison
Class of 1973

Brett Benson

Brett Benson
Class of 1988

Brandon Simms

Brandon Simms
Class of 1992

Sasha Lopez

Sasha Lopez
Class of 2004

Casey Thompson

Casey Thompson
Class of 1985

Marsha Simons

Marsha Simons
Class of 1969

Steven Weisenburger

Steven Weisenburger
Class of 1971

Margaret Pena

Margaret Pena
Class of 1980

Linda Fetzer

Linda Fetzer
Class of 1958

Justin Neu

Justin Neu
Class of 1992

Leeann Imel

Leeann Imel
Class of 1983

Courtney Dahlke

Courtney Dahlke
Class of 2004

Lj Smith

Lj Smith
Class of 1996

Pam Estep

Pam Estep
Class of 1973