Arlington High School Alumni

Indianapolis, Indiana (IN)

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Nicole Vaden (Nicole Avery)

Arlington High School
Class of 1999

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→ There are 58 classes, starting with the class of 1940 all the way up to class of 2017.


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No photo uploaded
First Name Nicole
Last Name Vaden
Maiden Name Avery
Graduation Year Class of 1999
Gender Female
City N/A
State/Province IN
Country United States
Occupation Customer Service/Student
Married Yes
Favorite School Memory The foodfight in the cafeteria freshman year.
About Me Work, have a family
No photo uploaded

Class of 1999 Alumni

→ Reunite with 58 class of 1999 alumni that have joined.

Marsha Kersage

Marsha Kersage
Class of 1969

Jeremy Johnson

Jeremy Johnson
Class of 1999

Leon Parson

Leon Parson
Class of 1976

Yvonna Stevens

Yvonna Stevens
Class of 1972

Herman King

Herman King
Class of 1992

Pamela Cole

Pamela Cole
Class of 1975

Travis Cheek

Travis Cheek
Class of 2005

Donna Williams

Donna Williams
Class of 1979

Syta Renee Davis

Syta Renee Davis
Class of 1977

Angela Jackson

Angela Jackson
Class of 1985

Jayne Hovarter

Jayne Hovarter
Class of 1972

Larry Born

Larry Born
Class of 1987

Deon Edwards Edwards

Deon Edwards Edwards
Class of 1990

Susan Wyne

Susan Wyne
Class of 1990

Christy Jordan

Christy Jordan
Class of 2002

Sherry Stone

Sherry Stone
Class of 1973

Linda Linda Millard

Linda Linda Millard
Class of 1965

Walcie Barrow

Walcie Barrow
Class of 1977

Deborah Hines

Deborah Hines
Class of 1968

Lynda Beene

Lynda Beene
Class of 1980

Sheila Roby Arnold

Sheila Roby Arnold
Class of 1977

Danny Wilson

Danny Wilson
Class of 1978

Breyana Williams

Breyana Williams
Class of 1989

Enisha Miller

Enisha Miller
Class of 2001