Bad Axe High School Alumni
Bad Axe, Michigan (MI)
Jerry Smith
Bad Axe High School
Class of 1990
→ Join 1264 Alumni from Bad Axe High School that have already claimed their alumni profiles.
→ There are 63 classes, starting with the class of 1934 all the way up to class of 2013.
Class of 1990 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes
Jody Hanson
Class of 1988
Brian Natzel
Class of 1997
Patricia Stern
Class of 1965
Bill Mcpherson
Class of 1991
Jeff Lubeski
Class of 1988
Peter Ney
Class of 2006
Stephanie Pierce
Class of 1966
Michelle Rice
Class of 1998
Kim Haldane
Class of 1979
Don Vert
Class of 1967
Kay Krueger
Class of 1964
Anne Sorenson
Class of 1982
Deborah Kerr
Class of 1968
Tina Gainor
Class of 1988
Rick Guadagno
Class of 1967
Carl Eisnaugle
Class of 2001
Doug Rook
Class of 1964
Phyllis Burk
Class of 1958
John Castle
Class of 1975
Lori Apley
Class of 1988
Bobbetta Hoin
Class of 1948
Faye Hunt
Class of 1978
Debbie Kociba
Class of 1985
Rene Leppek
Class of 1991