Baldwin High School Alumni
Wailuku, Hawaii (HI)
Baldwin High School - Class of 1992 Alumni, Wailuku HI
Join 20 alumni from Baldwin High School Class of 1992. Reconnect, view profiles, photos, yearbooks, upcoming reunions.

Dexter Romias
Class of 1992

Sean Lunt-umbuez
Class of 1992

Trina Urpanil
Class of 1992

Krissy Hosaka
Class of 1992

Joy Suda
Class of 1992

Curtis Kuge
Class of 1992

Christopher Ohta
Class of 1992

Kamoa Quitevis
Class of 1992

Taytum Kimura
Class of 1992

Leinell Coloma
Class of 1992

Faith Yanagi
Class of 1992

Bob Veith
Class of 1992

Emma Parton
Class of 1992

Jon Dough
Class of 1992

Melinda Teixeira
Class of 1992

Madeliene De Cambra
Class of 1992

Alia Ewaliko
Class of 1992

Luis Kranwinkel
Class of 1992

Christian Smith
Class of 1992

Jonathan Swisher
Class of 1992
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