Basic High School Alumni

Henderson, Nevada (NV)

AlumniClass Home  >  Nevada  >  Basic High School  >  Class of 2000  >  Sabrina Timberlake

Sabrina Wilkinson-rankin (Sabrina Timberlake)

Basic High School
Class of 2000

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→ There are 75 classes, starting with the class of 1940 all the way up to class of 2022.


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No photo uploaded
First Name Sabrina
Last Name Wilkinson-rankin
Maiden Name Timberlake
Graduation Year Class of 2000
Gender Female
City N/A
State/Province NV
Country United States
Occupation Mommy
Married Yes
No photo uploaded

Class of 2000 Alumni

→ Reunite with 159 class of 2000 alumni that have joined.

Neal Russell

Neal Russell
Class of 2008

Tiffany Dearmond

Tiffany Dearmond
Class of 2007

Neil Thomas

Neil Thomas
Class of 1988

Thomas Muir

Thomas Muir
Class of 1991

John Striegel

John Striegel
Class of 1979

Marcus Bauer

Marcus Bauer
Class of 2006

Shawn Kirkpatrick

Shawn Kirkpatrick
Class of 1993

Jed Smith

Jed Smith
Class of 1981

Alisha Briggs

Alisha Briggs
Class of 2000

Apollo Martin

Apollo Martin
Class of 1987

Rita Cathey

Rita Cathey
Class of 1975

Della Lynch

Della Lynch
Class of 1981

Kenneth Dewitt

Kenneth Dewitt
Class of 1984

Lance Stillings

Lance Stillings
Class of 1998

Cameo Frazier

Cameo Frazier
Class of 1998

Randi Flippin

Randi Flippin
Class of 2007

Tarah Badger

Tarah Badger
Class of 1999

Lori Gonzales

Lori Gonzales
Class of 1994

Arletta Mckinney

Arletta Mckinney
Class of 1982

Erika Johnson

Erika Johnson
Class of 1996

Jessica Bean

Jessica Bean
Class of 1998

Tara Celler

Tara Celler
Class of 1995

Tiffany K

Tiffany K
Class of 1990

Eric Johnson

Eric Johnson
Class of 1990