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Bay City Central High School - Class of 1968 Alumni

Join 49 alumni from Bay City Central High School Class of 1968. Reconnect, view profiles, photos, yearbooks, upcoming reunions.

Katherine Ayotte Katherine Ayotte

Katherine Ayotte Katherine Ayotte
Class of 1968

Delphine Buckler

Delphine Buckler
Class of 1968

Larry Carol Benjamin

Larry Carol Benjamin
Class of 1968

Rena Pasick

Rena Pasick
Class of 1968

Patricia Nowak

Patricia Nowak
Class of 1968

Jan Nickless

Jan Nickless
Class of 1968

Maureen Micho

Maureen Micho
Class of 1968

Dave Mac Donald

Dave Mac Donald
Class of 1968

Linda Kuch

Linda Kuch
Class of 1968

Frank Holes

Frank Holes
Class of 1968

Phillip Michalsky

Phillip Michalsky
Class of 1968

Deborah Reinbold

Deborah Reinbold
Class of 1968

David Sullivan

David Sullivan
Class of 1968

Margaret De Francisco

Margaret De Francisco
Class of 1968


Peter "woody" Mcgee
Class of 1968

Pat Johnson

Pat Johnson
Class of 1968

Kathryn Gilson

Kathryn Gilson
Class of 1968

Sarah Lyle

Sarah Lyle
Class of 1968

Carol Wakefield

Carol Wakefield
Class of 1968

Debra Lapage

Debra Lapage
Class of 1968

Jon Kaliszewski

Jon Kaliszewski
Class of 1968

Diane Laczo

Diane Laczo
Class of 1968

Sandra De Bats

Sandra De Bats
Class of 1968

Alex Wirt

Alex Wirt
Class of 1968

Bill Dunn

Bill Dunn
Class of 1968

Linda Weiler

Linda Weiler
Class of 1968

Joan Buechler

Joan Buechler
Class of 1968

Kathleen Niezurawski

Kathleen Niezurawski
Class of 1968

Vicki Bunnell

Vicki Bunnell
Class of 1968

Barbara Elliott

Barbara Elliott
Class of 1968

James Rauschert

James Rauschert
Class of 1968

Michael Angers

Michael Angers
Class of 1968

John Coyer

John Coyer
Class of 1968

Joel & Carol Matthew

Joel & Carol Matthew
Class of 1968

Mary Jaskiewicz

Mary Jaskiewicz
Class of 1968

Dave Cimbalik

Dave Cimbalik
Class of 1968

Joan Huizar

Joan Huizar
Class of 1968

Christine Hayward

Christine Hayward
Class of 1968

Jo Ann Weber

Jo Ann Weber
Class of 1968

Friederike Binder

Friederike Binder
Class of 1968

James Lewandowski

James Lewandowski
Class of 1968

Bruce Behnke

Bruce Behnke
Class of 1968

Janet Adams

Janet Adams
Class of 1968

Marelne Galus

Marelne Galus
Class of 1968

Fred Carroll

Fred Carroll
Class of 1968

Harold Trotter

Harold Trotter
Class of 1968

Steven Hernden

Steven Hernden
Class of 1968

Jody Dickerson

Jody Dickerson
Class of 1968

Susan Thorson

Susan Thorson
Class of 1968

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