Beaver Falls High School Alumni
Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania (PA)
Ray Legenzoski
Beaver Falls High School
Class of 1986
→ Join 2020 Alumni from Beaver Falls High School that have already claimed their alumni profiles.
→ There are 79 classes, starting with the class of 1928 all the way up to class of 2020.
Class of 1986 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes
→ Reunite with 10 class of 1986 alumni that have joined.
Mariso Taverna
Class of 1981
Paul Grimm
Class of 1966
Cynthia Loughner
Class of 1971
Tom Cooper
Class of 1969
Rich Pronesti
Class of 1989
Bonnie Reed
Class of 1961
Grace Walker
Class of 1983
Howard Zeiden
Class of 1963
Deonca Barrett
Class of 1997
Bill Harn
Class of 1971
Mary Ann Fabiani
Class of 1968
Janet Kolson
Class of 1986
Anna Katherine
Class of 2014
Doreen Gall
Class of 1987
Jan Davis
Class of 1978
Francine Sweeney Hornacek
Class of 1970
Patricia Mckinley
Class of 1954
Virginia Cerulli
Class of 1966
Betsy Russell
Class of 1973
Barbara Neal
Class of 1977
Bob Fleming
Class of 1971
Josephine Carbone
Class of 1972
Ron Main
Class of 1963
Domenic Borello
Class of 1961