Blue Ridge High School Alumni

Lakeside, Arizona (AZ)

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Blue Ridge High School - Class of 1980 Alumni, Lakeside AZ

Join 9 alumni from Blue Ridge High School Class of 1980. Reconnect, view profiles, photos, yearbooks, upcoming reunions.

Scott Selby

Scott Selby
Class of 1980

Lisa Gallina

Lisa Gallina
Class of 1980

Brian Straight

Brian Straight
Class of 1980

Perry Lusk

Perry Lusk
Class of 1980

Sheri Dawson

Sheri Dawson
Class of 1980

Tony Ballatori

Tony Ballatori
Class of 1980

Darren Smith

Darren Smith
Class of 1980

Hugh Allen

Hugh Allen
Class of 1980

Karen Penrod

Karen Penrod
Class of 1980

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