Bonds-wilson High School Alumni

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Tracy Foor

Bonds-wilson High School
Class of 1983

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→ There are 37 classes, starting with the class of 1950 all the way up to class of 2010.


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Tracy Foor - Class of 1983 - Bonds-wilson High School
First Name Tracy
Last Name Foor
Graduation Year Class of 1983
Gender Female
Hometown Indianapolis, Indiana
Relationship Status Married
Tracy Foor - Class of 1983 - Bonds-wilson High School

Class of 1983 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes

→ Reunite with 16 class of 1983 alumni that have joined.

Carol Blankenship

Carol Blankenship
Class of 1975

Cathie Smith

Cathie Smith
Class of 1979

Vermelle Pasley

Vermelle Pasley
Class of 1966

Adrienne Whitlock

Adrienne Whitlock
Class of 1984

Shiralee Boring

Shiralee Boring
Class of 1977

Janet Capers

Janet Capers
Class of 1967

Lew-ellyn Wortman

Lew-ellyn Wortman
Class of 1975

Gail Williams

Gail Williams
Class of 1972

Emma Clark

Emma Clark
Class of 1977

Debbie Cooke

Debbie Cooke
Class of 1974

Melany Rogers

Melany Rogers
Class of 1980

Steven Liebowitz

Steven Liebowitz
Class of 1974

Jenny Smoak

Jenny Smoak
Class of 1972

James Cannon Cannon

James Cannon Cannon
Class of 1973

Phillip Johnson

Phillip Johnson
Class of 1968

Vivian Bryant

Vivian Bryant
Class of 1978

Stephanie Juran

Stephanie Juran
Class of 1984

Marilyn Blume

Marilyn Blume
Class of 1980

Dana Muckelvaney

Dana Muckelvaney
Class of 1972

Carey Voorhees

Carey Voorhees
Class of 1986

David David E Powell

David David E Powell
Class of 1972

Loris Footman

Loris Footman
Class of 1964

Robin Frasier

Robin Frasier
Class of 1985

Joanne Kudla

Joanne Kudla
Class of 1975