Bowler High School Alumni

Bowler, Wisconsin (WI)

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Kimberly Schreiber-duffek (Kimberly Schreiber)

Bowler High School
Class of 1984

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Kimberly Schreiber - Class of 1984 - Bowler High School
First Name Kimberly
Last Name Schreiber-duffek
Maiden Name Schreiber
Graduation Year Class of 1984
Gender Female
City N/A
State/Province WI
Country United States
Occupation Certified Pharmacy Technician
Married Yes
Favorite School Memory Junior Prom
About Me I am currently working at the Stockbridge-Munsee Health and Wellness Center. I have been employed there since 1986.
Kimberly Schreiber - Class of 1984 - Bowler High School

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Joseph Myers

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Dan Grosskopf

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Lynn Meverden

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Keith Raasch

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Gerald Butler

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Class of 1988

David Raasch

David Raasch
Class of 1966

Heidi Onesti

Heidi Onesti
Class of 2003

Debbie Emmel

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Class of 1979

Preston Raasch

Preston Raasch
Class of 1996

Pat Pat Sengstock

Pat Pat Sengstock
Class of 1968

Keri Rickert

Keri Rickert
Class of 2000

Tim Cameron

Tim Cameron
Class of 1985

Carolyn Schumacher

Carolyn Schumacher
Class of 1962

Marie Darling

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Class of 1999

Amanda Moenke

Amanda Moenke
Class of 2010

Timothy Ploeger

Timothy Ploeger
Class of 1983

Greg Steber

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Class of 1982