Brandon High School Alumni
Ortonville, Michigan (MI)
Richard Latta
Brandon High School
Class of 1983
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→ There are 62 classes, starting with the class of 1947 all the way up to class of 2019.
Class of 1983 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes
Ezekiel M
Class of 1995
Douglas Gicwagucwa
Class of 1981
Marv Smith
Class of 1989
Adam Joe
Class of 2004
Jennifer Negrete
Class of 1988
Jack Curran
Class of 1989
Tiffany Fast
Class of 2000
Robert Kinnie
Class of 1985
Dawn Ann Marie Sheldon
Class of 1991
Alisia Hall
Class of 2002
Dan Smith
Class of 1993
April Heike
Class of 1991
Natalie Ellis
Class of 1988
Beverly Kowalsky
Class of 1972
Robert Stefano
Class of 1973
Pamela Hyde
Class of 1984
Meg Skafgaard
Class of 1964
Jean Nance
Class of 1978
Andrea Hobson
Class of 1989
Veronica Green
Class of 1986
Floyd Fournier
Class of 1983
James Filhart Filhart
Class of 1960
Carol Wooten
Class of 1988
Jessica Deluyck
Class of 2007