Bremerton High School Alumni

Bremerton, Washington (WA)

Military Alumni

Military High School Alumni

Honoring Our Heroes

This area is dedicated to our alumni that have served or are serving in our armed forces!

School & Community News

BHS Pay It Forward Scholarships UPDATE

Hi again! Our scholarship organization, BHS Pay It Forward Scholarships, is now giving two $14,000 scholarships per year to BHS grads. One way anyone can help this worthy cause is to either attend "Run It Forward, Bridge 2 Bridge", our annual fundraising 5k, or to use Good Search online and specify BHS Pay It Forward Scholarship. The Bridge 2 Bridge will be held May 28 2011 in conjunction with the Kitsap Harbor Festival. Using Good Search for your internet searches will donate about a penny a search to our scholarship fund, while purchases made online from many stores through Good Search will donate a percentage of the amount of money spent. Please help support this scholarship effort! NONE of us on the Board of Directors or officers are BHS grads; we just want to see more BHS grads go on to college through our program! Thank you! R Start, President

posted October 30th, 2010

Pay It Forward Scholarships

My organization, BHS Pay It Forward Scholarship, provides $10,000 scholarships for BHS grads. This is a unique scholarship; to qualify for applying you must: have at least a 2.5 GPA, be among the first in your family to attend college, be low income, and be willing to Pay It Forward, as in the book or movie, by agreeing to do three good deeds (community service) during the time you are enrolled in college.
We are holding a 5K run/walk fundraising event on 6/27/09 and could use volunteer help. Also, we accept donations from $5 on up! Please contact us via our email or by mail, PO Box 5317 Bremerton 98312 for more information. We are independent of BHS but exist to serve the graduates of BHS. Thank you! R Start, President

posted June 1st, 2009
The 2015-2016 school year is in full swing at Bremerton High School! The holidays are here along with all of the Knights school events that come with them. Help keep your fellow Bremerton High School alumni informed of events in the community, fundraisers, new staff, grants, sports, safety classes, PTA events and more! Post your Bremerton High School school news here and give your fellow Knights something to read about!

Posting your Bremerton High School news is easy! Enter the title for your article and all the details that explain what is happening. Please refrain from posting reunion information on this page.