Bridgeport High School Alumni

Bridgeport, Michigan (MI)

Military Alumni

Military High School Alumni

Honoring Our Heroes

This area is dedicated to our alumni that have served or are serving in our armed forces!

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Honored Military Alumni

Bartolo Juan (BJ) Medel
Bartolo Juan (BJ) Medel
Class of 1998
Air Force, 9 Years

Aircart Systems Mechanic. Flightline maintenance on C-141, C-17, C-5, and F-16 type Military Aircraft.
Benjamin Cardenas
Benjamin Cardenas
Class of 2000
Marine Corps, 7 Years

veteran of OEF OIF honorable discharge as a sgt
Brad Butzin
Brad Butzin
Class of 1987
Air Force, 20+ Years

IT Project Manager for 20 years. Retired 12/2007. Stationed in MS, CA, Italy, MD, GA, & CO.
Byron Reed
Byron Reed
Class of 1971
Army, 20+ Years

Served 37 years in the US Army. 5 years in the Army Reserve and 32 Years Active Duty with the Military Police Corp. Retired as a Sergeant Major on 1 July 2014.
Dave Fiyak
Dave Fiyak
Class of 1971
Air Force, 20+ Years

Enlisted in the Air Force after graduation to protect the freedoms of our great nation. Volunteered for Nam and really don't want to discuss that, but to say Thank the Lord I'm still here. Many of my military brothers are not. Cross trained onto a Titan II Combat Crew, served in Little Rock, Ar. and Vandenberg AFB, Ca. Cross trained into Recruiting, stationed in Tampa, Fl. Cross trained again into Disaster Preparedness & Emergency Response (Chem Warfare). Stationed at Andrews AFB, Md.; San Vito, Italy, (Dhahran, SA, Qatar, Kuwait - Desert Storm), Keesler AFB, Ms. Don't care about the medals, in fact I'd give all of mine just to have one of my friends back. Enjoyed the many adventures I had and really needed the discipline. In-addition I finished 4 college degrees at the expense of the Military.
Dwain A Wuerfel
Dwain A Wuerfel
Class of 1989
Army, 20+ Years

Served 8 years active immediately after graduating and have been in the Army Reserve since then making 20 years of service on July 25, 2009.
Edward Fowler Jr
Edward Fowler Jr
Class of 1989
Army, 3 Years

Jason Little
Jason Little
Class of 1995
Marine Corps, 13 Years

Jason has served with the Marine Corps for 12 1/2 yrs. He recently made the switch of branches to the U.S Army. Where he is currently stationed at Ft. Riley, KS. Jason has deployed to Iraq 3 times and will be deploying again come 2010. Jason iis with his three kids, just hours before his 3rd deployment. We were saying our 'Good bye's".
Jason Little
Jason Little
Class of 1995
Army, 13 Years

Jason served in the Marine Corps for 12 1/2 yrs, before, switching to the U.S. Army which he currently is serving. Jason has been deployed 3 times to Iraq and is currently getting prepared for his 4th deployment. Jason has lived in Japan (twice), South Carolina, North Carolina, Viriginia, and recruited out of Michigan. We currently live in Ft. Riley, KS.
Jason Little
Jason Little
Class of 1995
Army, 19 Years

I spent my first 13 years in the Marine Corps and I will retire on 5 November 2016
Jeff Godi
Jeff Godi
Class of 1984
Navy, 6 Years

Aviation Electronics aboard aircraft carrier USS Enterprise. Deployed to Western Pacific and Persian Gulf region 1988, and again in 89-90. Member of VFW.
Jeremy Hasse
Jeremy Hasse
Class of 1995
Marine Corps, 4 Years

Joanne Rose
Joanne Rose
Class of 2008
Army, 8 Years

United States Army - Battalion Motor Sergeant & United States Army Europe Soldier of the Year in 1982
Julie Lavender
Julie Lavender
Class of 1983
Army, 6 Years

Army Combat Medic for 3 years and Army Nurse for 3 years.
Kurt Debniak
Kurt Debniak
Class of 1982
Navy, 4 Years

Hospital Corpsman
lawrence debeau
lawrence debeau
Class of 1982
Navy, 20+ Years

active duty member still serving with 28 + years!
Michael J McGinnis
Michael J McGinnis
Class of 1965
Air Force, 14 Years

US Air Force Band
Nicole Bryan Romero
Nicole Bryan Romero
Class of 1992
Army, 10 Years

served in numerous locations all over the world to include Louisiana, Korea, Georgia, and Kuwait.
Rocky Hutton
Rocky Hutton
Class of 1994
Marine Corps, 15 Years

I am currently deployed to Iraq, 3rd tour. I am a Cheif Warrant Officer 2210 Ordnance Maintenance Officer
Roderick Trice
Roderick Trice
Class of 1987
Air Force, 4 Years

Operation Desert Storm/Desert Shield Veteran
sara gielda
sara gielda
Class of 1995
Army, 1 Years

Stuart Brown
Stuart Brown
Class of 1986
Air Force, 20+ Years

Retired after in 2006 after 20 years of faithful service!!
Tim Morris
Tim Morris
Class of 1982
Air Force, 20+ Years

Enlisted time: Joined AF in 1989 as an A1C (2 stripes) and was first assigned to Little Rock AFB, Arkansas. Tour of duty as a enlisted member include Arkansas, Alaska, and Florida. Deployed to Desert Shield/Storm for 8 months and deployed to Uzebekistan with AF Special Operations Civil Engineering for 2001-2002.

There were many awards achieved during my enlisted time yet the most significant were:

Air Force Society of Engineers NCO of the Year -1999

Receiving "tThe Civil Engineer" coin, shaped in the form of the Pentagon trimmed in real gold, from General Lupia

Notification of my commission to the Medical Service Corps

Officer Time: Commissioned in 2002 as a Medical Service Corps Officer (Health Care Administrator). Tour of duties are Texas, Colorado, Ohio and back to Colorado as a selectee for a very competitive employment with industry opportunity.

There were many awards achieved during my officer time yet the most Significant Awards are:

Group Practice Manager of the Year - Air Force Space Command - 2007

Medical Group Management Practice Executive of the Year - 2011

Texas Tech School of Allied Health Sciences Alumni of the Year - 2011

More importantly the lives that I have been able to touch, mold and change are the most signficant of any individual accolade I could have or will achieve while wearing the uniform.
William J. Morrison
William J. Morrison
Class of 1970
Air Force, 20+ Years

Served 22 years in the United Sttes Air Force retiring as a Senior Master Sargeant. Served primarily in the role of law enforcement with the majority of my career assigned as a criminal investigator in the law enforcement program. Also served as an instructor in the United States Air Force Law Enforcement Academy, San Antonio, Texas. Assignments included Viet Nam, temporary duty in th phillipines, Azores, Thailand, and several state side locations. Medals included Meritorious Service Medal With IOak Leaf Cluster, Air Force Commendation Medal with Oak Leaf cluster, Viet Nam CAmpaign, and several others.
William Morrison
William Morrison
Class of 1970
Air Force, 20+ Years

Served 22 years in the US Air Force retiring as a SMSgt. Assigned law enforcement duties for much of my career. Served in a variety of positions to include basic law enforcement, investigations, academic instructor, and special investigator. Presently employed in the Detroit market as a criminal investigator.
William Morrison
William Morrison
Class of 1970
Air Force, 20+ Years

United states air force law enforcement

Classmates Spotlight

Bridgeport High School Classmates

Mike Mcginnis
Class of '65

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Our Bridgeport High School military alumni are some of the most outstanding people we know and this page recognizes them and everything they have done! Not everyone gets to come home for the holidays and we want our Bridgeport High School Military to know that they are loved and appreciated. All of us in Bridgeport are proud of our military alumni and want to thank them for risking their lives to protect our country!