Bristol High School Alumni

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Yvonne Bridges

Bristol High School
Class of 1976

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Yvonne Bridges - Class of 1976 - Bristol High School
First Name Yvonne
Last Name Bridges
Graduation Year Class of 1976
Gender Female
Hometown Bristol, Rhode Island
Relationship Status Married
Yvonne Bridges - Class of 1976 - Bristol High School

Class of 1976 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes

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Brigitte Deponte
Class of 1971

Raymond Daponte

Raymond Daponte
Class of 1974

Larry St. Ours

Larry St. Ours
Class of 1988

Durval Correia

Durval Correia
Class of 1986

Jean Defusco

Jean Defusco
Class of 1976

Philip Daponte

Philip Daponte
Class of 1993

Margarida Flora Bettencourt

Margarida Flora Bettencourt
Class of 1989

Denzel Palmer

Denzel Palmer
Class of 2009

Marie Marie Amaral

Marie Marie Amaral
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David Anania

David Anania
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David Lama

David Lama
Class of 2007

Amy Davock

Amy Davock
Class of 1993

Danielle Davis

Danielle Davis
Class of 1993

Jeanne Dallaire

Jeanne Dallaire
Class of 1962

Samuel Silva

Samuel Silva
Class of 1985

Peggy Delucca

Peggy Delucca
Class of 1962

Jane Dwyer Jane Dwyer

Jane Dwyer Jane Dwyer
Class of 1990

Brigitte Deponte

Brigitte Deponte
Class of 1971

Nancy L. Baker

Nancy L. Baker
Class of 1968

Kenny Catalano

Kenny Catalano
Class of 1965

James Mccarthy

James Mccarthy
Class of 1974

Phil Barlow

Phil Barlow
Class of 1978

Frank Parella

Frank Parella
Class of 1972

Debi Marshall

Debi Marshall
Class of 1974