Military Alumni

Military High School Alumni

Honoring Our Heroes

This area is dedicated to our alumni that have served or are serving in our armed forces!

Lost Class Rings

Have you lost your Brookings-harbor High School class ring? Have you found someone's class ring? Visit our Bruins lost class ring page to search for your class ring or post information about a found ring.

Honored Military Alumni

Andrew GK BIllings
Andrew GK BIllings
Class of 1969
Air Force, 4 Years

Service to 8th CMSG to SR-71 Squadron, Beale AFB and SSI Service to 456 CMSG DaNang, AirBase VietNam
Chuck Fox
Chuck Fox
Class of 1990
Marine Corps, 11 Years

Gulf War and Operation Restor Hope (Somalia) Vet. Special Agent with the Marine Corps Criminal Investigation Division (CID) and Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS)
Clifton Gastonguay
Clifton Gastonguay
Class of 1994
Army, 5 Years

45 B stationed in Fort Sam Houston
David DeLain
David DeLain
Class of 1982
Navy, 20+ Years

Mechanic, Law Enforcement, Combat Coxswain
Doug Leeds
Doug Leeds
Class of 1965
Air Force, 4 Years

fire protection specialist, Beale AFB
frank william endert
frank william endert
Class of 1964
Navy, 3 Years

Crash Crew Fire & Rescue at NAS Miramar.
V4 Fuels Division USS Coral Sea
V4 fuels Division USS Hancock
Joseph Foster
Joseph Foster
Class of 1986
Navy, 8 Years

Enduring freedom veteran,USS Carl Vinson (CVN70),Operation Golden Pheasant,Tegucigalpa Honduras 1987. Rate; Boatswains Mate
Joseph Foster
Joseph Foster
Class of 1987
Navy, 10 Years

4 years in the army at fort ord, california , infantry, artillery forward observer.
6 years as boatswains mate , on the USS Carl Vinson aircraft carrier, operation enduring freedom veteran

Classmates Spotlight

Brookings-harbor High School Classmates

Jennifer Johnson
Class of '78

Alumni Stories

High School Alumni Stores

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School News

Do you have any news to share? Keep our classmates informed on news and current events! Please post all reunion information in the reunion area.

Our Brookings-harbor High School military alumni are some of the most outstanding people we know and this page recognizes them and everything they have done! Not everyone gets to come home for the holidays and we want our Brookings-harbor High School Military to know that they are loved and appreciated. All of us in Brookings are proud of our military alumni and want to thank them for risking their lives to protect our country!