Brooks High School Alumni

Killen, Alabama (AL)

AlumniClass Home  >  Alabama  >  Brooks High School  >  Class of 1998  >  Nicole Cobb

Nicole Miller (Nicole Cobb)

Brooks High School
Class of 1998

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→ There are 57 classes, starting with the class of 1925 all the way up to class of 2021.


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No photo uploaded
First Name Nicole
Last Name Miller
Maiden Name Cobb
Graduation Year Class of 1998
Gender Female
City N/A
State/Province AL
Country United States
Occupation registered nurse
Married Yes
Favorite School Memory band
About Me college, married, children, working
No photo uploaded

Class of 1998 Alumni

→ Reunite with 41 class of 1998 alumni that have joined.

Beth Simpson

Beth Simpson
Class of 2002

Joshua Hamlin

Joshua Hamlin
Class of 2002

Dennis Woods

Dennis Woods
Class of 1986

Karmen Misso

Karmen Misso
Class of 2003

Doug Montgomery

Doug Montgomery
Class of 1986

Bob Myers

Bob Myers
Class of 2014

Rachel Peden

Rachel Peden
Class of 2005

Eric Delay

Eric Delay
Class of 1994

Sandy Woods

Sandy Woods
Class of 1979

Phillip Davis

Phillip Davis
Class of 1977

Lisa Mcgee

Lisa Mcgee
Class of 1981

Karen Grant

Karen Grant
Class of 1984

Jody Hodges

Jody Hodges
Class of 1984

Danny Mccarthy

Danny Mccarthy
Class of 1967

Robert Johnson

Robert Johnson
Class of 2000

John Skipworth

John Skipworth
Class of 1981

George Johnson

George Johnson
Class of 1999

Lisa Downs

Lisa Downs
Class of 1989

Lisa Downs

Lisa Downs
Class of 1989

Denise Thomas

Denise Thomas
Class of 1984

Heather Snyder

Heather Snyder
Class of 2001

Brian Smith

Brian Smith
Class of 1991

Chad Butler

Chad Butler
Class of 1992

Danny Holder

Danny Holder
Class of 1974