Brooks High School Alumni

Killen, Alabama (AL)

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Sherry Kirk (Sherry Alexander)

Brooks High School
Class of 1976

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First Name Sherry
Last Name Kirk
Maiden Name Alexander
Graduation Year Class of 1976
Gender Female
City N/A
State/Province AL
Country United States
Occupation housewife
Married Yes
Favorite School Memory going to the Galley for lunch, we could leave for lunch until some of the students started coming back to class a little tipsy or not at all
About Me After graduating college I became a secretary and worked in construction offices thru the years. I have 3 girls , 2 still go to Brooks. My oldest daughter gave birth to twins on 7/28/06, I'm a very proud grandmother. I didn't return to work after my illness. I am cancer free now, but want to just spend time rearing my 2 girls still a...(read more)
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Class of 1976 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes

→ Reunite with 23 class of 1976 alumni that have joined.

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Zachary O'kelley

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Corey Hearn

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Teresa Ritch

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Lane Tidwell

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Amy Austin

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Sheila Saunders

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Class of 1995

Molly Burgess

Molly Burgess
Class of 2001

Carrie Lee

Carrie Lee
Class of 2003

Amy Hanke

Amy Hanke
Class of 1987

Russ Robbins

Russ Robbins
Class of 1997

Tom Jones

Tom Jones
Class of 2003

Melanie Hale

Melanie Hale
Class of 1976

Justin Murphy

Justin Murphy
Class of 2004

Ginger Townsel

Ginger Townsel
Class of 1972

Robert Robert Thomas

Robert Robert Thomas
Class of 1998

Patrick Hughes

Patrick Hughes
Class of 1987

David Gallo

David Gallo
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