Bunker Hill High School Alumni

Claremont, North Carolina (NC)

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Trey Overcash

Bunker Hill High School
Class of 2001

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→ There are 58 classes, starting with the class of 1950 all the way up to class of 2019.


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No photo uploaded
First Name Trey
Last Name Overcash
Graduation Year Class of 2001
Gender Male
City N/A
State/Province NC
Country United States
Occupation Detention Sgt.
Married No
No photo uploaded

Class of 2001 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes

→ Reunite with 18 class of 2001 alumni that have joined.

Lisa Ray

Lisa Ray
Class of 1979

Lydia Howze

Lydia Howze
Class of 1986

Michael Moses

Michael Moses
Class of 1990

Jerry Rinehardt

Jerry Rinehardt
Class of 1985

Jalisha Bloom

Jalisha Bloom
Class of 2008

Wendy Snyder

Wendy Snyder
Class of 1998

Shirley Hefner Scronce Shirley Hefner

Shirley Hefner Scronce Shirley Hefner
Class of 1967

Patricia ( Pat ) Minton

Patricia ( Pat ) Minton
Class of 1984

Patti Mcgee

Patti Mcgee
Class of 1985

Tracy Hipps

Tracy Hipps
Class of 1989

Melissa Drum

Melissa Drum
Class of 1999

Kimberly Honeycutt

Kimberly Honeycutt
Class of 1978

Tasha Cameron

Tasha Cameron
Class of 2007

Dedee Turner

Dedee Turner
Class of 1991

Beth Ann Dula

Beth Ann Dula
Class of 1999

Temple Heavner

Temple Heavner
Class of 1990

Patsy Walling

Patsy Walling
Class of 1969

Nikki Miller

Nikki Miller
Class of 1989

Tony Sigmon

Tony Sigmon
Class of 1970

Liane Whisnant

Liane Whisnant
Class of 1998

Shannon Farnsworth

Shannon Farnsworth
Class of 1989

Amanda Meadows

Amanda Meadows
Class of 2002

Jodie White

Jodie White
Class of 2004

Julie Lail

Julie Lail
Class of 1983