Burlingame High School Alumni

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Julie Wallin (Julie Wallin)

Burlingame High School
Class of 1975

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Julie Wallin - Class of 1975 - Burlingame High School
First Name Julie
Last Name Wallin
Maiden Name Wallin
Graduation Year Class of 1975
Gender Female
City N/A
State/Province CA
Country United States
Occupation Veterinary ophthalmology technician
Married No
About Me Many years in school collecting degrees, currently working as a veterinary ophtho tech. - very rewarding career.
Julie Wallin - Class of 1975 - Burlingame High School

Class of 1975 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes

→ Reunite with 23 class of 1975 alumni that have joined.

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Jeff Thom
Class of 1972

John Miles

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Class of 1957

Daniel Ramos

Daniel Ramos
Class of 2005

Erik Tammik

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Class of 1995

Dana Detweiler

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Class of 2001

Lynne Herrick

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Class of 1961

Antoinette ( Toni) Harman

Antoinette ( Toni) Harman
Class of 1972

Edmund Wilkins

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Class of 1948

Bill Grubbs

Bill Grubbs
Class of 1953

Duncan Johnson

Duncan Johnson
Class of 1968

Lauren Kelly

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Class of 2003

Danielle Lembi

Danielle Lembi
Class of 2002

Clara Benjamin

Clara Benjamin
Class of 2001

Kathleen Bridges

Kathleen Bridges
Class of 1970

Mark Harries

Mark Harries
Class of 1979

Melissa Gallardo

Melissa Gallardo
Class of 1988

Michael Cohn

Michael Cohn
Class of 1968

Maxine Haas

Maxine Haas
Class of 1949

Angela Maniquis

Angela Maniquis
Class of 1986

Marcia Wolfe

Marcia Wolfe
Class of 1967

Amanda Walter

Amanda Walter
Class of 2001

Wes Hill

Wes Hill
Class of 1967

Dave Hendsch

Dave Hendsch
Class of 1965