C A Johnson High School Alumni

Columbia, South Carolina (SC)

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Layla Bluefort

C A Johnson High School
Class of 1998

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→ There are 68 classes, starting with the class of 1941 all the way up to class of 2020.


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No photo uploaded
First Name Layla
Last Name Bluefort
Graduation Year Class of 1998
Gender Female
City N/A
State/Province NC
Country United States
Occupation Medical Office Assistant/Student
Married No
Favorite School Memory Football and Basketball games; my season on the marching band
About Me I have been raising my daughters while pursuing a college degree since high school
No photo uploaded

Class of 1998 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes

→ Reunite with 31 class of 1998 alumni that have joined.

Jackie Scott

Jackie Scott
Class of 1977

Calvin Mcdaniel

Calvin Mcdaniel
Class of 1999

Patricia Turner

Patricia Turner
Class of 1966

Sharon Washington

Sharon Washington
Class of 1988

Willie F. Boyd

Willie F. Boyd
Class of 1961

Jeffrey Green

Jeffrey Green
Class of 2006

Brenda Brenda Murray

Brenda Brenda Murray
Class of 1969

Rhaenique Evans

Rhaenique Evans
Class of 2002

Sylvia Truesdale

Sylvia Truesdale
Class of 1966

Sepony Reading

Sepony Reading
Class of 1975

Yamica Gallman

Yamica Gallman
Class of 1992

Calvin Brown

Calvin Brown
Class of 1983

Valda Cornelius

Valda Cornelius
Class of 1978

Evelyn Taylor

Evelyn Taylor
Class of 1966

Myra Cunningham

Myra Cunningham
Class of 1987

Kyle Butler

Kyle Butler
Class of 2006

Robert Robert Garner

Robert Robert Garner
Class of 1969

Shirena Belton

Shirena Belton
Class of 2006

Michelle A

Michelle A
Class of 1992

Sheika Wilson

Sheika Wilson
Class of 2002

Nathaniel Smith

Nathaniel Smith
Class of 1984

Milton Roy

Milton Roy
Class of 1997

Tyron Mccoy

Tyron Mccoy
Class of 1965

Elwyn Abel

Elwyn Abel
Class of 1966