Calumet High School Alumni

Calumet, Michigan (MI)

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Dennis Barrette

Calumet High School
Class of 1958

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→ There are 74 classes, starting with the class of 1900 all the way up to class of 2020.


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No photo uploaded
First Name Dennis
Last Name Barrette
Graduation Year Class of 1958
Gender Male
City N/A
State/Province MI
Country United States
Occupation Retired
Married Yes
Favorite School Memory Mr. Perraro's Chem class
About Me 30 yrs. at UPPCO, Realtor, Supt. of DBTC Schools, County Commissioner
No photo uploaded

Class of 1958 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes

→ Reunite with 10 class of 1958 alumni that have joined.

Judy Kemp

Judy Kemp
Class of 1970

David David Gromalak

David David Gromalak
Class of 1949

James Tarvis

James Tarvis
Class of 1981

John Tiddles

John Tiddles
Class of 1971

Walter Torola

Walter Torola
Class of 1977

Kimberly Keefer

Kimberly Keefer
Class of 1984

Alan Joseph

Alan Joseph
Class of 1963

Amber Thompson

Amber Thompson
Class of 1985

Ted Gannett

Ted Gannett
Class of 1988

Jerry Larson

Jerry Larson
Class of 1963

Crystal Rowe

Crystal Rowe
Class of 1997

Deb Stahl

Deb Stahl
Class of 1967

Brian Berghefer

Brian Berghefer
Class of 1976

Prudence Rautio

Prudence Rautio
Class of 1982

Leslie Prosser

Leslie Prosser
Class of 1958

Donald Harjala

Donald Harjala
Class of 1971

Adam Johnston

Adam Johnston
Class of 1995

Julie Maatta

Julie Maatta
Class of 1964

Tracy Menominee

Tracy Menominee
Class of 1989

Joseph Snow

Joseph Snow
Class of 1975

Cathy Pearson

Cathy Pearson
Class of 1979

Joanne Jokela

Joanne Jokela
Class of 1971

Curtis Belill

Curtis Belill
Class of 2008

Thomas Rouse

Thomas Rouse
Class of 1967