Campbell High School Alumni

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Beverly Robertson (Beverly Ometuck)

Campbell High School
Class of 1974

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No photo uploaded
First Name Beverly
Last Name Robertson
Maiden Name Ometuck
Graduation Year Class of 1974
Gender Female
No photo uploaded

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Dwayne Butz

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Janet Dumycz Janet Dumycz

Janet Dumycz Janet Dumycz
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Neil Aitken

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Janet Barton

Janet Barton
Class of 1975

Sandra Starkey

Sandra Starkey
Class of 1983

Amy Lee

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Class of 1995

Lisa Grover

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Class of 1987

Rebecca Stalberg

Rebecca Stalberg
Class of 1984

Bob Daviduk

Bob Daviduk
Class of 1972

Karen Karen Moyer

Karen Karen Moyer
Class of 1981

Darren Kirkup

Darren Kirkup
Class of 1982