Campbell High School Alumni

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Denine Smulan (Denine Augustine)

Campbell High School
Class of 1987

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No photo uploaded
First Name Denine
Last Name Smulan
Maiden Name Augustine
Graduation Year Class of 1987
Gender Female
City N/A
State/Province TX
Country United States
No photo uploaded

Class of 1987 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes

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David Reschke David Reschke

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Beverly Ometuck

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Miles Morrison

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Class of 1969

Wanda Giles

Wanda Giles
Class of 1981

Jared Weinbender

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Class of 2003

Dave Arne

Dave Arne
Class of 1979

Susan Wallace

Susan Wallace
Class of 1972

Murray Loewen Loewen

Murray Loewen Loewen
Class of 1977

Paul Roland

Paul Roland
Class of 1986

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Sean Backus Sean Backus
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Cory John

Cory John
Class of 2012

Bilawaljit Bharthi

Bilawaljit Bharthi
Class of 2018

Dianne Stark

Dianne Stark
Class of 1974

Rob Cruickshank

Rob Cruickshank
Class of 1978