Capital High School Alumni
Boise, Idaho (ID)
Brian Deely
Capital High School
Class of 1998
→ Join 4262 Alumni from Capital High School that have already claimed their alumni profiles.
→ There are 57 classes, starting with the class of 1955 all the way up to class of 2023.
Class of 1998 Alumni
→ Reunite with 138 class of 1998 alumni that have joined.
Doug Schoonover
Class of 1970
Cathy Updike
Class of 1971
Ray Montgomery
Class of 1978
Tom Dvorak
Class of 1985
Christina Willoughby
Class of 1994
Ryan Lee
Class of 1996
Laura Clayton
Class of 2001
James Cloninger
Class of 1974
Eileen Rosanbalm
Class of 1975
Randy Stolp
Class of 1987
Cal Thomas
Class of 1985
Rita Knapp
Class of 1967
Randy Perrin
Class of 1980
Coleena Smith
Class of 1980
Sarah Bowman
Class of 2010
Reena Josoff
Class of 1989
Chris Kennedy
Class of 1990
Rick Scaraglino
Class of 1982
Terry Calet
Class of 1975
Robert Wolfe
Class of 1993
Laura Foltman
Class of 1991
Laurea Warren
Class of 1979
Ron Gwartney
Class of 1978
Flavio Ayala
Class of 2000
Recent Class of 1998 Reunions
Plan a Class of 1998 Reunion for Free
Capital Bigh School Class of 1998 20 year reunion
Invited Classes: 1998
Date: Aug 03, 2018
Description: Please send name, address, phone as email to: for details and invitation