Carrick High School Alumni
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (PA)
Carrick High School - Class of 1980 Alumni, Pittsburgh PA
Join 32 alumni from Carrick High School Class of 1980. Reconnect, view profiles, photos, yearbooks, upcoming reunions.
Sarah Sarah Cooper
Class of 1980
Mike Holmes
Class of 1980
Laura Bauman
Class of 1980
Judy Schiavone
Class of 1980
Lynn Lynn Harmening
Class of 1980
Catherine Hanbury
Class of 1980
Chad Parker
Class of 1980
Mike Stokes
Class of 1980
Peter Lewellen
Class of 1980
Gary Seibel
Class of 1980
Marion Oldynski
Class of 1980
Larry Pegher
Class of 1980
Jon Kaschauer
Class of 1980
Diane Burnelis
Class of 1980
Alan Medvid
Class of 1980
Ed Beam
Class of 1980
Brian Ritson
Class of 1980
Valerie Lucchino
Class of 1980
Joanne Fink
Class of 1980
Wendell Jackson
Class of 1980
Colleen Konesky
Class of 1980
Shirley Yee
Class of 1980
Ronald Zupancic
Class of 1980
Mary Bench
Class of 1980
Melissa Noah
Class of 1980
Marlene Mcendoo
Class of 1980
Mark Heidkamp
Class of 1980
Alan Woratschek
Class of 1980
Judith Holzwarth
Class of 1980
Gregory Spann
Class of 1980
Bill Cotter
Class of 1980
Linda Rodwick
Class of 1980
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