Cazenovia High School Alumni
Cazenovia, New York (NY)
Shirley Deneve (Shirley Ammann)
Cazenovia High School
Class of 1966
→ Join 1480 Alumni from Cazenovia High School that have already claimed their alumni profiles.
→ There are 63 classes, starting with the class of 1934 all the way up to class of 2016.
Class of 1966 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes
Gerald "joe" N/a
Class of 1974
Mary Smith
Class of 1979
Kyle Corpin Corpin
Class of 2003
Jeremy Naylor
Class of 1998
Jennifer Dickinson
Class of 1981
Phillip Wilberg
Class of 1985
Anne Johnson
Class of 1969
Connie Combs
Class of 1974
Pamela Friend
Class of 1985
Robert Novak
Class of 1959
Jenny Sherburne
Class of 1986
Randy Stanford
Class of 1979
Barry Robyn Bushneck
Class of 1973
Kendra Deverna
Class of 1997
Ryan Murphy
Class of 1999
Paul Cunningham
Class of 1972
Robert Smith
Class of 1964
Linda Badgley
Class of 1967
Leigh Costello
Class of 1998
Kate Fogarty
Class of 1991
Michael Humphrey
Class of 1969
Ginger Marris
Class of 1975
Dan Blasier
Class of 1993
Jackie Farrell
Class of 1979
Recent Class of 1966 Reunions
Plan a Class of 1966 Reunion for Free
multi-class (1959-1965) reunion picnic
Invited Classes: All Classes
Date: Jun 25, 2016
Description: BBQ picnic - BYOB - casual dress - bring favorite photos and door prize gift contributions - spread the word among adjoi...(read more)