Central Dauphin High School Alumni
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania (PA)
Central Dauphin High School - Class of 1960 Alumni, Harrisburg PA
Join 12 alumni from Central Dauphin High School Class of 1960. Reconnect, view profiles, photos, yearbooks, upcoming reunions.
Fred Haldeman Haldeman
Class of 1960
Daniel Witmer
Class of 1960
Dave Johnston
Class of 1960
Gail Hendrickson
Class of 1960
Sandra Harbold
Class of 1960
David Johnston
Class of 1960
Clarence Mccleary
Class of 1960
Carol Strohm
Class of 1960
Karen Stricker
Class of 1960
Virginia Ricker
Class of 1960
Abner H. Smith
Class of 1960
Martha Fleisher
Class of 1960
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