Central High School Alumni

Tuscaloosa, Alabama (AL)

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Carmeshia Owens (Carmeshia Wilkins)

Central High School
Class of 1998

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No photo uploaded
First Name Carmeshia
Last Name Owens
Maiden Name Wilkins
Graduation Year Class of 1998
Gender Female
City N/A
State/Province FL
Country United States
Occupation Administrative
Married Divorced
No photo uploaded

Class of 1998 Alumni

→ Reunite with 127 class of 1998 alumni that have joined.

Eric Rhodes

Eric Rhodes
Class of 1988

Edric Gowdy

Edric Gowdy
Class of 1984

Janice Weatherspoon

Janice Weatherspoon
Class of 1985

Juanita Owens

Juanita Owens
Class of 1980

Frederick Blackburn

Frederick Blackburn
Class of 1985

Winston Rumfoord

Winston Rumfoord
Class of 1952

Kristie Wiggins

Kristie Wiggins
Class of 1990

Lindsay Blackburn

Lindsay Blackburn
Class of 2001

Jason Gunter

Jason Gunter
Class of 2003

Kelbrey Chardrequez Frenche

Kelbrey Chardrequez Frenche
Class of 2007

Brooke Elliott

Brooke Elliott
Class of 1998

Ruby Jones

Ruby Jones
Class of 1998

Amanda West

Amanda West
Class of 1985

Robert Colburn

Robert Colburn
Class of 1968

Toni Knox

Toni Knox
Class of 1987

Yolanda Bunton

Yolanda Bunton
Class of 1992

Keri Spence

Keri Spence
Class of 2003

Geana Williams

Geana Williams
Class of 1990

Pera Cannon

Pera Cannon
Class of 1992

Shebia Jackson

Shebia Jackson
Class of 1989

Nancy Davis

Nancy Davis
Class of 1974

Doris Walton Whitfield

Doris Walton Whitfield
Class of 1983

Amp Rowe

Amp Rowe
Class of 1991

Cindy Pearson

Cindy Pearson
Class of 1984