Central High School Alumni
Tuscaloosa, Alabama (AL)
Tiffany Dalton (Tiffany King)
Central High School
Class of 1994
→ Join 3588 Alumni from Central High School that have already claimed their alumni profiles.
→ There are 59 classes, starting with the class of 1950 all the way up to class of 2023.
Class of 1994 Alumni
→ Reunite with 86 class of 1994 alumni that have joined.
Vance Welker
Class of 1971
Ivy Ray
Class of 1984
Barbara Constant Barbara Constant
Class of 1986
Abe Burton
Class of 1997
Kenya Clark
Class of 1992
Marquis Spencer/prince
Class of 1990
Leslie Giglotto
Class of 2000
Kendralyne Davis
Class of 1994
James Wells
Class of 1989
Quinton Hopkins
Class of 1986
Robert Has
Class of 1986
Robert Tucker
Class of 1986
Concetta Hubbard
Class of 1983
Faye Perry
Class of 1984
Elizabeth Thompson
Class of 1980
Tom Huck
Class of 1993
Bobby Bobby Martin
Class of 1987
Angela Merriweather
Class of 1978
Shondolyn Dunn
Class of 1996
Kevin Whitfirld
Class of 1983
Jeff Estes
Class of 1981
Sharon Sharon Hardie
Class of 1987
Angela Tinker
Class of 1999
Kimmery Thomas
Class of 1994
Recent Class of 1994 Reunions
Plan a Class of 1994 Reunion for Free
Our 15 Year Reunion! Can you BELIEVE it?
Invited Classes: 1994
Date: Sep 01, 2009
Description: Please send any questions or comments to troya_sampson@hotmail.com This is going to be an exciting weekend that we'll NE...(read more)
Class of 1994 15 Year Reunion!
Invited Classes: 1994
Description: Plans are underway for our reunion! We haven't set a date, but expect to hear from us soon! We are SO excited! :o)