Chatsworth High School Alumni

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Cliff Languein

Chatsworth High School
Class of 1965

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Cliff Languein - Class of 1965 - Chatsworth High School
First Name Cliff
Last Name Languein
Graduation Year Class of 1965
Gender Male
Current Location Simi Valley, California
Hometown Chatsworth, California
Cliff Languein - Class of 1965 - Chatsworth High School

Class of 1965 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes

→ Reunite with 18 class of 1965 alumni that have joined.

Letisha Erba

Letisha Erba
Class of 1996

Jill Monteith

Jill Monteith
Class of 1980

Mike Gregory

Mike Gregory
Class of 1968

Gary Mancuso

Gary Mancuso
Class of 1968

Daniel Suarez

Daniel Suarez
Class of 2002

Osman Lima

Osman Lima
Class of 1997

David Mery

David Mery
Class of 1980

Angel Barajas

Angel Barajas
Class of 2009

Genessa Faitelson

Genessa Faitelson
Class of 2002

Tom Bacon

Tom Bacon
Class of 1980

Brian Mckeever

Brian Mckeever
Class of 1989

Janel Morales

Janel Morales
Class of 1977

Robb Ellis

Robb Ellis
Class of 1986

Armond Clark

Armond Clark
Class of 1993

Laura Connelly

Laura Connelly
Class of 1984

Tina Probst

Tina Probst
Class of 1988

Doriann Byrd

Doriann Byrd
Class of 1991

Karen Maury

Karen Maury
Class of 1990

Yvette Almeida

Yvette Almeida
Class of 1991

Leslie Flickinger

Leslie Flickinger
Class of 1971

Sue Beckham

Sue Beckham
Class of 1970

Patricia Hockett

Patricia Hockett
Class of 1972

Oscar Toledo

Oscar Toledo
Class of 1983

James Jamie

James Jamie
Class of 1988