Christian County High School Alumni

Hopkinsville, Kentucky (KY)

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Barbara Hale-baker (Barbara Hale)

Christian County High School
Class of 1979

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→ There are 68 classes, starting with the class of 1940 all the way up to class of 2023.


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First Name Barbara
Last Name Hale-baker
Maiden Name Hale
Graduation Year Class of 1979
Gender Female
City N/A
State/Province KY
Country United States
Occupation interior designer
Married Yes
Favorite School Memory dances after all home ballgames
About Me Travel to Russia, Holy Lands, Holland, Egypt. Competited on US Powerlifting team in Russia, Bodybuilding while living in TN. Got married when I was 40 and had my first child at 42 in 2004 and it was the best thing that ever happened to me.
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Class of 1979 Alumni

→ Reunite with 52 class of 1979 alumni that have joined.

Tonya Ratcliff

Tonya Ratcliff
Class of 1989

Markevias Word

Markevias Word
Class of 2011

Jeff Jackson

Jeff Jackson
Class of 1981

Deb Wilke

Deb Wilke
Class of 1978

Jerry Hickman

Jerry Hickman
Class of 1958

Tammy Hamilton

Tammy Hamilton
Class of 1997

Tamika Carter

Tamika Carter
Class of 1996

Michael Cunningham

Michael Cunningham
Class of 1984

Jenn Mann

Jenn Mann
Class of 2010

Tari Grace

Tari Grace
Class of 1995

Dave Donley

Dave Donley
Class of 1988

David Lovelady

David Lovelady
Class of 1979

Jenise Volk

Jenise Volk
Class of 1981

Carrie Bush

Carrie Bush
Class of 1971

David Chilton

David Chilton
Class of 1970

Sharon Pyle

Sharon Pyle
Class of 1981

Bernard Grimes

Bernard Grimes
Class of 1981

Kathryn Manzanares

Kathryn Manzanares
Class of 2013

Barry Lancaster

Barry Lancaster
Class of 1990

Donna Earwood

Donna Earwood
Class of 1997

Kurt Moore

Kurt Moore
Class of 2001

Christopher Dicken

Christopher Dicken
Class of 1996

Mark Mcmahan

Mark Mcmahan
Class of 1974

Deana Menser

Deana Menser
Class of 1988