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Lost & Found Clearwater High School Class Rings

Class rings are the mark of school pride and accomplishments. If you have lost or found a fellow Tornadoes class ring post the information here. If you lost a ring, describe it and include a contact email address. If you found a class ring describe it, post where you found it and include your email address. Your email address will not be made visible on the site. We will use it to contact you if need be.

Please contact us if you have information about any of the posts below:
On the inside it has my initials ECH.
It has a blue stone...class of 1968. It was taken and probably taken to a pawn shop. Chances of finding it..very slim.

posted November 6th, 2023
Silver antique finish with ruby stone women's class ring Clearwater Highschool class of 96, Tornado on one side 96. Don't remember if it was engraved maybe with "JMB" or Jana

posted September 24th, 2019
10k Gold with 1970 year, blue stone with letter C

posted May 10th, 2018
Clearwater High School, Class of 1991. Silver with smooth citrine stone. If I remember correctly, there is something engraved inside it, but I don't remember what, might just be initials LJS. Has Orchestra emblem on the side. Has been missing a long time.

posted June 25th, 2017
Found mens, 2013, says Taylor with cross and praying hands on side of ring. Also has name on inside

posted December 10th, 2016
Found: Clearwater HS Class of 2008 Ring - Ruby stone- Austin. Do you know who it belongs to? Contact:

posted October 27th, 2012
Clearwater Tornadoes 1979 engraved ATB

posted April 24th, 2011
1970's female class ring, Tornatoes with gold cut stone. Can't remember if it's inscribed. Boyfriend lost in P.E. in 1970. Contact:

posted June 29th, 2010
Class of 1994 on 1 side. Silver ring with Ruby stone. Initials CL on other side. My name is Christy Lynch. 727-480-8337

posted October 1st, 2009
Found Class ring @ Clearwater Beach 2008 Erin on side with WIND and a sax. and a musical note. Tornadoes on the other side. E.L.D. on inside. My email is

posted November 13th, 2008
I found a class ring with a saxaphone on it. class of 2003. the name on it says Raph D. its incribed with rdk. my email address is

posted May 3rd, 2008
class of 2003 the name says raph d. inscribed is rdk. found in jacksonville al

posted May 3rd, 2008
class of 1979 has football and helmet engraved on sides along with a tornado. The ring has a sapphire stone. I think the name engraved on the inside is Norris W. Hann. My email address is

posted January 2nd, 2007

Classmates Spotlight

Clearwater High School Classmates

Mac Byrd
Class of '70

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Got Married!

'Janie" Berryman aka Laurel J Berryman is now Mrs. Ryan Scott Bailey
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Help make someone’s holiday season even better by reuniting them with their class ring. Class rings can hold a lot of meaning for some people and losing it can be heartbreaking. Our Clearwater High School Lost Rings page is the perfect place to post and reunite someone with his or her lost class ring. If you have lost your class ring or found someone else’s simply enter all the details you can about the ring so it can be easily identified. Be sure to put your contact information on the post so that the owner of the ring can reach you.

Go Tornadoes!