Cobre High School Class Of 1978 Reunion
October 25th, 2013 6:30pm
(ending October 27th, 2013 10:00pm)
Cobre High Stadium
900 A Central Ave.
, Bayard
, New Mexico
, 88023
ticket prices
Single - $78.00
Couples - $128.00
Invited Classes
About Event
Theme: Red, White, and Black
25 Oct, Friday: 6:30 pm "Kick-Off @ 7:00 pm" Get Together in the Stands at Cobre High Football Game (Homecoming). After Football game get together at Mingo's Party Place across Cobre High with refreshments and snacks; registration---Purchase T-shirts from Susan Udero for $20 at Mingos--just let her or me know your size.
26 Oct, Saturday: Golf Scott Park 9:00 am, 4-man Scramble with Goodie Bags (Bring your Clubs! or just rent a cart and cruise!)
Non-Golfers, tour Cobre HS at 10:30 am (still coordinating)
Brunch at Watering Hole at the Red Barn on Saturday 2:00 pm
Reception of Memories of our Beloved classmates 5:00 pm at Mingo's (Create Table of those Indian Classmates gone before us) followed by a "Great" catered Dinner with Special guests and entertainment---Bring your Favorite "Jokes!" Dance afterwards 8-Midnight or Beyond!...If we need rides to Hotels Corre Caminos will be available or have your own DD
27 Oct, Sunday: 1:00 pm meet at Bataan Park and play Horsehoes, Basketball-Volleyball; Hot Dogs & chips for a Final Adios Parte'! ..."Indians are #1"
Please Send and mail: $78.00 a Student or $128.00 a
Ben Maynes
630 El Creston Circle
Las Vegas, NM 87701