Columbia High School Alumni

White Salmon, Washington (WA)

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Roderick (rick) Hunsaker

Columbia High School
Class of 1963

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First Name Roderick (rick)
Last Name Hunsaker
Graduation Year Class of 1963
City N/A
State/Province WA
Country United States
Occupation Trucking Management
Married Widowed
Favorite School Memory Hind sight is 20/20=Never realized how good it was to live in White Salmon until I left.
About Me Travelled extensivelly from 1993 when our daughter turned 18 until my wifes health would not allow it. Last year was 2006.-
No photo uploaded

Class of 1963 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes

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Kent Richardson
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Edgar Andrew

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Edward Willey

Edward Willey
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Linda Kight

Linda Kight
Class of 1968

Bre Yeager

Bre Yeager
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Joseph Malo

Joseph Malo
Class of 1975

Shannon Brock

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Elbert Elbert E Sooter

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Roberta Reed

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Trisha Gardipee

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Kylan Richards

Kylan Richards
Class of 1999

Everett Arnold

Everett Arnold
Class of 1940

Tim Hill

Tim Hill
Class of 1967

James Goodwin

James Goodwin
Class of 1962

Susan Balsiger

Susan Balsiger
Class of 1966

Andy Gross

Andy Gross
Class of 1987

Darlene Sturm

Darlene Sturm
Class of 1958

Mary Oneal

Mary Oneal
Class of 1983

Donna Wilkes

Donna Wilkes
Class of 1961

Marvin Nielsen

Marvin Nielsen
Class of 1958

Blanche Campbell

Blanche Campbell
Class of 1961

Merri Schindler

Merri Schindler
Class of 1979

John Hunsaker

John Hunsaker
Class of 1977

Annetta Mansfield

Annetta Mansfield
Class of 1968