Cooley High School Alumni

Detroit, Michigan (MI)

Military Alumni

Military High School Alumni

Honoring Our Heroes

This area is dedicated to our alumni that have served or are serving in our armed forces!

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Honored Military Alumni

Brian R. Fullerton
Brian R. Fullerton
Class of 1961
Air Force, 20+ Years

Flew fighters in the Air Force, served in Vietnam, flight instructor/curriculum developer, Commander (squadron, community, wing), Air Attache at US Embassy in Germany. Stationed overseas in Vietnam, Thailand, Okinawa, Iceland, Germany, The Netherlands, Spain, Italy, and US (Texas, California, Florida, Tennessee, Washington, DC, Arizona). Distinguished Flying Cross, 5 Air Medals, Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry, French Forces Defense Medal, etc.
Byron Edwards
Byron Edwards
Class of 1981
Army, 20+ Years

Serve in Germany, Operation Desert Shield/Storm; Peacekeeping in Macedonia and Bosnia; Operation Enduring Freedom; Operation Iraqi Freedom
Class of 1976
Air Force, 4 Years

Darren Cole
Darren Cole
Class of 1983
Air Force, 20+ Years

Honorable service in Special forces in the Pacific, South Dakota, Korea, Japan and Europe.
Donald E hardman
Donald E hardman
Class of 1980
Army, 13 Years

Desert Storm combat vet
Dwayne Kinchen
Dwayne Kinchen
Class of 1980
Army, 3 Years

503rd fort bragg NC
Henry Storm
Henry Storm
Class of 1964
Navy, 20+ Years

Boot, Great Lakes IL, 1963-64, Operation Deep Freeze, Antarctica 64-71, USS Guadalcanal 71-72, Roosevelt Roads, PR 72-76, USS America 76-79, ComNavAirLant 79-81, USS Forrestal 81-85, USS Independence 85-87,Memphis TN 87-89, USS Constellation 89-91, USS Kitty Hawk 91-93, NAS Detroit 93-96. Enlisted E-1 to E-8, Warrant W-2 - W-4, Retired Lieutenant Commander, 32 years, 3 months, 3 days service
Class of 1948
Air Force, 4 Years

Imari BArksdale
Imari BArksdale
Class of 1987
Army, 17 Years

3 Combat tours: Panama 1989; Iraq 1990; Afghanistan 2008.
James Dunlap
James Dunlap
Class of 1991
Army, 10 Years

2 time Gulf War and Bosnia Vet.
Jerome Beavers
Jerome Beavers
Class of 1972
Air Force, 16 Years

Occupational Therapy Tech
Jerome F. Davis
Jerome F. Davis
Class of 1985
Navy, 4 Years

Stationed over seas in Yokusuka, Japan. Been to every Island to goto. Weps Dept. Supv. special weps. EOD diver. at the time of EOE. 4 years of IRR.
Joe L Harrington
Joe L Harrington
Class of 1982
Marine Corps, 11 Years

Camp Pendleton to Okinawa Japan to 29 Palms to LA to OH,VA to Atlanta
John Bryant
John Bryant
Class of 2002
Navy, 4 Years

IT2/E5 Information Systems Technician

Operation Iraqi Freedom
CNOPS Counter Drug Ops
Kenneth Chmielewski
Kenneth Chmielewski
Class of 1964
Air Force, 4 Years

Basic training and schooling in Texas. Two years at Eglin AFB in Florida. 13 months in Taiwan as the critical items monitor.
Kevin L Young
Kevin L Young
Class of 1973
Marine Corps, 3 Years

Southeast Asia Theatre Veteran
Kimberly Hudson
Kimberly Hudson
Class of 1989
National Guard, 20+ Years

Desert Storm...Operation Iraqi Freedom....Operation Enduring Freedom...91D(68)..91H(68)..91G(68)..36B..
Mark Layne
Mark Layne
Class of 1967
Army, 2 Years

July 1968 to Feb 1970
Korea: I Corp and 7th Division
Marty Cieslak
Marty Cieslak
Class of 1965
Air Force, 4 Years

C 130 Air Crew Loadmaster. Vietnam Vet.
Marty Cieslal
Marty Cieslal
Class of 1965
Air Force, 4 Years

C 130 Air Crew Loadmaster. Vietnam Vet.
Patricia Anne Lipke
Patricia Anne Lipke
Class of 1970
Navy, 2 Years

Personnel man Treasure Island San Francisco
Class of 1977
Army, 13 Years

william mcbroom
william mcbroom
Class of 1955
Army, 6 Years

presidential honor guard

Classmates Spotlight

Cooley High School Classmates

Earl Stark
Class of '87

Alumni Stories

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School News

Cooley High School Reunion (Class Of 2008)

Good afternoon everyone. I would like to when is the high school reunion so I can look good and decent along with my wei...
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Our Cooley High School military alumni are some of the most outstanding people we know and this page recognizes them and everything they have done! Not everyone gets to come home for the holidays and we want our Cooley High School Military to know that they are loved and appreciated. All of us in Detroit are proud of our military alumni and want to thank them for risking their lives to protect our country!