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Wil Bostic

Class of 1957

Anyone heard about a proposed scholarship fund in Mae Packan'sname in honor of her 100th birthday coming up in April??

New Franklin New Franklin resident and former Coventry High School teacher Mae Packan's 100th birthday this Aprpil has one of her former students thinking of a way to honor her former teacher.

Esther DeTray is leading an effort to establish the Mae Packan Scholarship Fund and is asking Packan's former students to be a part of the effort. DeTray has asked for those willing to contribute to send their contributions with checks payable to Coventry Local Schools, designated for the Mae Packan Scholarship Fund. The district office's mailing address is 2910 S. Main Street, Akron, OH 44319.

The deadline for contributions is March 30, to present the total amount raised to Packan for her birthday.

Additionally, DeTray has requested that former students and others affected by Packan send her a card or letter. These items can be emailed to the district office, designated for the Coventry Alumni Association.FORMER STUDENT HONORS PACKAN BY SETTING UP SCHOLARSHIP AS 100TH BIRTHDAY NEARS

New Franklin New Franklin resident and former Coventry High School teacher Mae Packan's 100th birthday this Aprpil has one of her former students thinking of a way to honor her former teacher.

Esther DeTray is leading an effort to establish the Mae Packan Scholarship Fund and is asking Packan's former students to be a part of the effort. DeTray has asked for those willing to contribute to send their contributions with checks payable to Coventry Local Schools, designated for the Mae Packan Scholarship Fund. The district office's mailing address is 2910 S. Main Street, Akron, OH 44319.

The deadline for contributions is March 30, to present the total amount raised to Packan for her birthday.

Additionally, DeTray has requested that former students and others affected by Packan send her a card or letter. These items can be emailed to the district office, designated for the Coventry Alumni Association.

Recent Members

Amber B 2012
Gaylyn Vaughn 1985
Janet Blevins 1989
John Tkalcic 1980
Jordan Andrews 2015
Joseph Cortel 1996
Lisa Chapman 1976
Rick Rogovy 1963

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Lost Class Rings

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