Creston Class Of '75' 40th Reunion
July 31st, 2015 6:00pm
(ending August 1st, 2015 2:00am)
Eastern Ave Hall
506 Eastern Ave NE
, Grand Rapids
, Michigan
, 49503
ticket prices
Payment In Advance - $20.00
Payment At The Door - $25.00
Not Eating (After 8:00pm) - $5.00
Invited Classes
About Event
Event page with more info is in facebook
Creston Class Of 75's 40th Class Reunion
Friday July 31, 2015
Eastern Hall
506 Eastern Ave
Grand Rapids MI 49503
Dress: Casual
$20 per person, prepaid
$25 per person, at door
$5 per person, not eating (after 8:00pm)
It is a cash bar, Eastern Hall takes credit cards, & has an ATM machine
Cocktails: 6:00pm - 7:00pm
Dinner: 7:00pm - 8:00pm
Group Photo: 8:00pm or 9:00pm
Music/DJ: 7:00pm - 10:00pm
Catered by Chachi's: Greg Chavez & Sons
Group Photographer: John Kruger
Music/DJ: Joe Ardoin
Reunion Committee:
Diane Noorthoek-Butler ~ ~ 616-255-7847
Gail Krul (Treasurer) ~ ~ 616-309-8777
Judy Frank-Pursinowski (Secretary) ~ 616-889-6679
Judy Sparks-Grifhorst (Decorations)
Carol Drougal-Teft (Decorations)
Sue Smith-Baxter (Decorations)
Edye Evans-Hyde (Music/DJ)
* Payment Information:
Chase Bank
Sign up for quick pay using this email
Or send a check or money order made out to Creston Class of 75 and mail to
Gail Krul
9967 68th Ave
Allendale, MI 49401
Creston All Class Reunion
Saturday, August 1, 2015
Riverside Park
1:00pm - 5:00pm