Crystal Lake South High School Alumni

Crystal Lake, Illinois (IL)

AlumniClass Home  >  Illinois  >  Crystal Lake South High School  >  Class of 2008  >  Kelly Bambini

Kelly Bambini

Crystal Lake South High School
Class of 2008

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→ There are 58 classes, starting with the class of 1943 all the way up to class of 2023.


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No photo uploaded
First Name Kelly
Last Name Bambini
Graduation Year Class of 2008
Gender Female
City N/A
State/Province IL
Country United States
No photo uploaded

Class of 2008 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes

→ Reunite with 18 class of 2008 alumni that have joined.

Gabrielle Krotser

Gabrielle Krotser
Class of 2008

Alan Lillig

Alan Lillig
Class of 1983

Jessica Turner

Jessica Turner
Class of 1998

Brian Wheeland

Brian Wheeland
Class of 1980

Bruce Christian

Bruce Christian
Class of 1994

Carl Potts

Carl Potts
Class of 1987

Julie Vara

Julie Vara
Class of 1982

Alan Jacobson

Alan Jacobson
Class of 1983

Judy Goll

Judy Goll
Class of 1967

Cameron Apple

Cameron Apple
Class of 1996


Henry "hank" Jones
Class of 1983

Elizabeth Elizabeth Dupuis

Elizabeth Elizabeth Dupuis
Class of 1988

Alexis Wells

Alexis Wells
Class of 2009

Bruce Fisch

Bruce Fisch
Class of 1980

Dawn Holtz

Dawn Holtz
Class of 1994

Shawn Goddeyne

Shawn Goddeyne
Class of 1999

Jocelyn Broad

Jocelyn Broad
Class of 2012

Christine Postelnick

Christine Postelnick
Class of 1998

Cailtyn Russo

Cailtyn Russo
Class of 2007

Fred Eisenmann

Fred Eisenmann
Class of 1982

Dennis Muxlow

Dennis Muxlow
Class of 2008

Jayme Smith

Jayme Smith
Class of 1997

Amy Radovich

Amy Radovich
Class of 1979

Angel Hamilton

Angel Hamilton
Class of 1999