Crystal Lake South High School Alumni

Crystal Lake, Illinois (IL)

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Tom Walsh

Crystal Lake South High School
Class of 2004

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→ There are 58 classes, starting with the class of 1943 all the way up to class of 2023.


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No photo uploaded
First Name Tom
Last Name Walsh
Graduation Year Class of 2004
Gender Male
City N/A
State/Province IL
Country United States
Occupation Student
Married No
About Me Worked at a laundromat back home during summers, gone to NIU during the school years, and am currently an RA.
No photo uploaded

Class of 2004 Alumni

→ Reunite with 37 class of 2004 alumni that have joined.

Stanley Burrey

Stanley Burrey
Class of 1984

Adryanna Tucker

Adryanna Tucker
Class of 2015

Kimberly Conrad

Kimberly Conrad
Class of 1999

Adam Robinson

Adam Robinson
Class of 1994

Christian Plott

Christian Plott
Class of 2003

Stacey Stoddard

Stacey Stoddard
Class of 1982

John Smith

John Smith
Class of 1986

Bonnie Dragotto

Bonnie Dragotto
Class of 1998

Kenny Woolsey

Kenny Woolsey
Class of 1992

Meggan Goy

Meggan Goy
Class of 1998

Michael Hoeland

Michael Hoeland
Class of 2001

Mark Lechowicz

Mark Lechowicz
Class of 1991

Nicole Anderson

Nicole Anderson
Class of 2004

Ashlee Barch

Ashlee Barch
Class of 2002

Laura Anetsberger

Laura Anetsberger
Class of 1984

Jim Barnaby

Jim Barnaby
Class of 1996

Desiree Seifert

Desiree Seifert
Class of 1997

Ruth Tollefsen

Ruth Tollefsen
Class of 1986

Mike Steppers

Mike Steppers
Class of 2000

Ira Glover

Ira Glover
Class of 1989

Jennifer Wentland

Jennifer Wentland
Class of 1986

Christine Postelnick

Christine Postelnick
Class of 1998

Amy Radovich

Amy Radovich
Class of 1979

Brianna Turner

Brianna Turner
Class of 2007